Tuesday, May 3, 2011


What a fun day.

"Fun" is an understatement.

Seriously, I had so much fun today. ^____^
We stayed there for around 4 (or maybe 4 1/2 hours! Intense!) hours.

I mostly sang English songs because I can't read the Japanese lyrics that fast yet (and I can't read Kanji). But I did sing 2 Japanese songs: Fuwa Fuwa time from K-On! (anime) and Utada Hikaru's 1st love HAHA.

[Fuwa Fuwa - just because I love K-On! haha. It was so fast!]
[First love - just because it's relatively slower than the other Japanese songs I know]

I went to a karaoke place with my housemates (3rd floor friends!) Shige, Adaora, Kaen, Naka, Masayoshi. And Spike (he chose his own english name, how creative! ~), Anette & her boyfriend also joined us.

We also had dinner at this restaurant wherein you order your meals using a vending machine. HAHA.

I also got my phone today! Finally.
Thanks to Ate Nicolle for lending me a phone : )

And and and...

I rode my bike all day! ~

I also signed my JASSO scholarship. Cheers to that!

I actually didn't have class today (I don't have classes every Monday). And I am happy to announce (haha) that I was able to study Japanese today! Cheers! I am starting to enjoy this : )

I shall continue studying this weekend.

Tomorrow Megumi and I will go sightseeing.
Then on Wednesday, Kaen, Megumi, Shige, Naka, Yue, and I will go to Nara! Oh, Deer!!!!!!!
I hope that Skylar and Adaora can also join us.

And on Thursday, Adaora and I will go sightseeing.

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