Friday, April 15, 2011

Japanese class

I enjoyed my Japanese listening and speaking class today! I think this will be the highlight of my 1st semester in Rits.

I only have two classmates, Andreas and Allison. And our professor is really kind!

I really want to learn more! My preschool level speaking skills (no offense to the brilliant preschoolers out there, I know that you are even better than me, both in terms of your Nihongo and Biking skills) shall improve! I have 10 months to work on this!

I must stop using exclamation points! But I can't! There's too much excitement! I can't stop! No! Okay, enough.

Speaking of 10 months, I just remembered that I only brought 1 book with me! The Color Purple. And I cant find any English books here (or maybe I just haven't found the right stores). I hope I can still continue with my reading habits while I'm here. To make it a bit more interesting, I hope that my next book will be a Japanese one. Yes, this is very ambitious. Haha.

In other news, I might drop 1 JWP course. I think it would be best if I just take 7 sessions this semester.
(5 sessions of JWP classes and 2 sessions of Japanese class)

I might drop my International Organizations class (too bad! It seemed really interesting) just because of its late schedule.

My JWP classes probably wouldn't be credited anyway (when I return to UP, all I have left are my major subjects [media-related] and my internship. If they would allow it, 3 of my JWP classes [for the entire year] might be credited [equivalent to 2 subjects in UP]. This is because I only have two free electives left, equivalent to 6 units in UP [not related to my major]. Okay, this was a messy rigmarole. Moving on...)

So here's my tentative schedule:

M:    No class! ^^ Bike Practice, Nihongo practice, chores, Study time
T:     Peace & Gender studies, International Peace Studies
W:   Public Health & International Development, Japanese Listening & Speaking
Th:  International Public Policy, Grocery day
F:   North-South Relations, Japanese Listening & Speaking
Sat & Sun: Rest day, chores/errands, Sightseeing, Bike Practice, Study time, (insert something fun here)

I'm particularly interested in my Peace & Gender studies class --> I'm planning on doing my thesis (for when I return to UP next year) on the Philippine media's representation of the concept (as well as its manifestations) of GENDER, in relation to social, political, and economic discourse.

And I'm also interested with how the Japanese culture sees the ideas surrounding gender.

My 3rd favorite (so far, or is it too early to tell?) is my International Peace class.
As for the rest of my classes, I am yet to discover my passion for them (or the lack of) haha.

Geeky scribbles:
Today in my North-South Relations class, we discussed (very briefly) Edward Said's concept of Orientalism. I got excited a bit (haha). I used this as my framework for my final paper in my Broadcast Text Criticism class. : )

I haven't taken much courses about International Relations in UP, and so all of my courses this semester in Rits seem quite/really challenging. I hope I'll do well in all my classes.

And yes, I hope the following skills improve:
* Biking - PLEASE!
* Cooking
* Photography - I went window shopping with Yue last weekend. I want to save up for a new camera : )
* Budgeting - everything still seems SO expensive.
* Nihongo - I think it is quite obvious why this is written on the list. It is almost non-existent.
* socializing - uh, why am I so socially awkward around certain people? WHY?
--> I don't know, it seems that I can't express myself that well yet. Maybe it's just because of the "adjustment period." BUT I am not expressing my geeky self here. I don't talk as much as I used to (HAHA). Why do I sometimes feel so shy? This is not me! Noooooooo. This feels so strange. So strange.

I have a lot to say about various topics (both light and serious ones) but why do I keep on shutting up? WHY? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

I want to talk to some of my housemates whom I haven't really gotten to know yet, but I turn into this awkward cucumber each time I try to initiate a decent, non-vegetative conversation. WHY????

However, I am very happy to type here in my humble (and incoherent) blog that I think I may have found some really good friends here in Japan. *throws some confetti, sushi, confetti*
There's Yue (not from I-house 1), Naka, Megumi, Masayoshi, and Kaen. Actually, everyone in I-House 1 are really nice. I hope I become good friends with everyone.

Oh, and my bike practice is...uh, going smoothly? But very slowly haha. I had my "best 6 seconds of my young life" moment though. For around 6 seconds I was able to ride my bike haha, then I fell. Boo.

My housemates Michelle and Mathilde helped me : )
And a week before that, Masayoshi and Kaen also taught me some tips. I am the oldest breathing creature here in Kyoto who does not know how to ride a bike. I am 98% sure.

I also met some interesting Japanese friends! ^^ Ericko, Aki, Hikari, Misaki. Okay, I'll end it here. I'm still processing their names. Hehe. This will be an interesting semester.

I did notice one thing though, when I'm talking to new Japanese friends, I am able to express myself a little better? FJsdjflskdjfskjdf. Maybe this is just part of the many livid effects of my caffeine withdrawal.

Unnecessary information which I will type anyway:
So there are videogames in the lounge. How come no one's playing? We have Metal Gear Solid 3 and Brave Fencer Musashi! O__O. Oh, and a Titanic VHS haha.


Tomorrow, Yue and I will go to the Kamo river (Kamo-gawa) to meet some Filipino friends for a picnic/hanami. : )

Yue, one of my lifesavers here in Japan! She's such a good friend : )

Elsa and So Jeong helped me with the directions. ^^ They're so kind!

I was able to do some laundry today. Cheers! I also had vegetables for dinner. Cheers to that! haha

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow! And I hope that we won't get lost haha.

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